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Flame of Peace
Charitable association for the promotion of peace

More information about Flame of Peace is provided on the website of the association at Clicking on the button opens the page in a new window.

News / Latest

Awards for the young cadets in Malta, from the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund, presented by Herta Margarete Habsburg.
FlameofPeace Malta Thank you to Chevalier Dr. Max Ellul, Grand Chancellor of the Hospitaller Order...

Presentation of the ‘Austrian Kaiserschmarren’ from the book ‘Habsburg Cuisine’.
Presentation of the 'Austrian Kaiserschmarren' from the book 'So kocht Habsburg' at the AIKIRON...
Visit to Monaco for the audience with Prince Albert II
A memory of our visit to Monaco for the audience with Prince Albert II, featuring water crystal photography by Rainer Niederkofler from South Tyrol.
Order of the 5 Bees
Presentation of the Order of the 5 Bees by the Lord of the Manor of Prior’s Hall, Lindsell, H.E. Chevalier Stephen Joseph Lautens GCJ, founded in 1086.
Visit to Monaco for the audience with Prince Albert II
A memory of our visit to Monaco for the audience with Prince Albert II, featuring water crystal...
Order of the 5 Bees
Presentation of the Order of the 5 Bees by the Lord of the Manor of Prior’s Hall, Lindsell, H.E....
Solemn Investiture of the Hospitaler Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem in Malta.
We wish everyone a wonderful Austrian National Day.
Awards for the young cadets in Malta, from the Royal Marines Charitable Trust Fund, presented by Herta Margarete Habsburg.
FlameofPeace Malta Thank you to Chevalier Dr. Max Ellul, Grand Chancellor of the Hospitaller Order...
Presentation of the ‘Austrian Kaiserschmarren’ from the book ‘Habsburg Cuisine’.
Presentation of the 'Austrian Kaiserschmarren' from the book 'So kocht Habsburg' at the AIKIRON...
A heartfelt thank you to all participants
A heartfelt thank you to all participants, singers, and helpers for your dedication and...
Impressions from the foundation celebration of the Imperial Austrian Franz Joseph Order in the chapel of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna.
Impressions from the foundation celebration of the Order of Elisabeth in the chapel of Schönbrunn Palace.
Speech and awards to distinguished individuals of the ÖKB and FlameofPeace.
150th Anniversary of the Imperial and Royal Military Veterans Association Archduke Albrecht – NÖKB...
Press & Media
Press reports & interviews can be found in the “Press” section.