The sculpture Prayer for Ukraine

Herta Margarete and Sandor Habsburg-Lorrainn support and cooperate with the Ukrainian artist Igor Grechany, Art for Peace, Freedom and Friendship.

The sculpture Prayer for Ukraine. It was presented during the celebration of the Independence Day of Ukraine in the center of Kiev.
These are a few words about sculpture:
The idea of a sculptural composition is the image of the Virgin – Grieving mother in prayer for Ukraine, for the fate of the Ukrainian people, for its heroes, for its victims, for its future. A Ukrainian ritual cloth embroidered with symbols and cryptograms of the ancient world (rushnyk) creates a woman’s silhouette in prayer. She prays for Ukraine, and she symbolizes Ukraine itself. An embroidered ritual cloth (towel) is a symbol of Ukraine, destiny, life’s way, and it is a guard against evil forces, a memory of the holy and unforgettable things. The Ukrainian ritual cloth, creating a woman’s silhouette in prayer, acts as a guard for Ukraine and its citizens, heroes, and also the keeper of a memory of those who perished for Ukraine.


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